Wednesday 24 October 2018

The legend of Centurion Marcus Cassius Scaeva.

Marcus Cassius Scaeva is one of the most celebrated warriors of all time. His martial skills and sheer bloody-minded determination to achieve victory at any and all costs are legendary and have lasted an amazing test of time. He was a highly decorated Centurion in Caesar’s 8th Legion, who risked his life by training with professional gladiators in his down-time and went on to make his own history and legend.

‘The Battle of Dyrrachium (or Dyrrhachium) fought on 10 July 48 BC was a battle during Caesar's Civil War that took place near the city of Dyrrachium (in what is now Albania). It was fought between Julius Caesar and an army led by Gnaeus Pompey who had the backing of the majority of the Roman Senate. The battle was a victory for Pompey, albeit not a decisive one. The battle preceded the Battle of Pharsalus which was the decisive battle of the Civil War.’ (Wikipedia)

During the Battle of Dyrrhachium between Julius Caesar and Pompey, the senior Centurions of his Cohort had all been killed or injured, so Marcus Cassius Scaeva took command of it himself. Fighting in the front ranks as usual, he took an arrow in the eye and the injury was so severe it could have left him permanently blinded and could have even proved fatal. Despite this horrific injury which would have felled most men, Marcus delivered his battle-cry, removed the arrow and fought-on with an increased ferocity. A little later, he was struck by two more arrows and it’s believed that one pierced his throat and the other his knee. It was noted later that two hundred arrows bristled from his shield but Centurion Marcus even under those unbelievable conditions and injuries continued to hold the line and kept fighting from the front. Inspiring his men in this way, they managed to drive Pompey’s attacking troops back into the city. When Caesar eventually arrived at the battlefield, he was so impressed with Scaeva he promoted him to Primus Pilus; Commanding Centurion of his infamous 10th Legion.

Centurion Marcus Cassius Scaeva was also mentioned in despatches and decorated for his bravery at the River Thames crossing in Caesar’s second invasion of Britain in 54 BC. Here follows my fictional interpretation of Scaeva’s action that day, which happened more than two thousand years ago!

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Excerpt from my trilogy; Iron Blood & Sacrifice (Return of the Yellow Dog)

‘Unobserved by Caesar or his officers, a group of auxiliary soldiers had been pushed further downriver by the current and had clambered onto a small islet, braving the swiftly rushing waters in the narrow channel that remained. They had unwittingly left themselves open to attack from the Prittans however, who splashed into the water and looked to surround the small island.  These handful of soaking wet Roman soldiers were fortunate to be in the company of a Centurion of note from the 10th Legion; one Marcus Cassius Scaeva and as the big man drew his gladius with a war-like roar, he was dismayed to see the men around him flee. Deserting him, they all dived into the river to escape the Prittans who were now clambering up onto the grassy top of this little islet to face him.

Marcus had often shared with the members of his close family; the other Centurions in this assembled army the events of the day he had found the Legion, or perhaps it was when the Legion had found him. He had been inspired by the dazzling, God-like recruitment Centurion who those years ago had stood so proudly before the SPQR drumhead, set-up in the market square of his Umbrian village. It had drawn such a crowd of the young men of the district, it became difficult for Marcus to draw near to it. He was as patient as an oyster though, for as a boy he had cared for his sick mother for many years before she had passed to the next world and it was there, that he had learned to take control of the inner man and exercise a great and very tender patience at times and it had formed a permanent part of his complicated personality.

Once the crowd had died away somewhat that hot summer’s day so long ago and in a different life, he had gathered up enough courage to push his way through the gang of local boys and approach this fantastic armoured and glimmering warrior. Marcus was as ready as he had ever been for anything, in all his short and painful life and he had taken his fate in both hands that day and stepped-up to the dazzling warrior. The tall and terrifying Centurion had suddenly become a mortal man, when he smiled at him and asked him a few pertinent details about his age and what skills he had, as if Marcus was just another normal person. The Centurion hadn’t even noticed the rags he was dressed in, let alone mention them and almost immediately the young man had been baited; hook line and sinker. The Centurion had drawn him aside perhaps seeing past the poverty, the harsh features and the wounded eyes, to perceive something deep within him; a quality that Marcus didn’t know himself existed at that inspirational moment. At the end of that brief recruitment summary of army life, the Centurion had advised him gravely; ‘If you don’t stand for something lad, you’ll fall for anything.’ Marcus had taken the pledge to join as a Probatio in the following heartbeat.

Many years of blood, sweat and toil had ensued, punctuated by long periods of boredom peppered with hard work, short periods of dire peril and even shorter periods of rest and recuperation. Marcus had more than once in his career proved the recruitment officer’s acuity that day, as he had not only risen to the same rank in remarkable time, he had come to surpass that inspirational Centurion’s achievements before he was half his age. It was his martial excellence and his attention to detail which had got him noticed and promoted quickly but what had elevated him faster still, was his unbelievable ferocity in battle. It had been in the battle of Dyrrhachium where he had ultimately proved his worth and had discovered the pitiless and unmatched warrior, who had lain inside him so long undiscovered.

He was the most decorated Roman soldier currently in service and he would demonstrate why to these uncivilised barbarians this day, those who dared to recklessly surround him on this rock surrounded by grey rushing water. Scaeva had earned his position in the hot bloody crucible of frontline Roman battle time and time again and without a moment’s hesitation, he charged the emerging Prittans and set about them with an uncontrollable fury, slaughtering them as they climbed up to fight him. A dozen or more grisly spearmen rose up from the water all around him but Scaeva was past caring, as he was beside himself with his rage at the auxiliaries’ cowardice. It demeaned him, his position and this whole army, even Rome herself and the Centurion became incandescent in his outrage. Shouting his oath to Mars, he was determined to seek out those deserters and bring them to his withering justice but first, he had to deal with these barbarian amateurs.

The first Prittan was on his knees, streaming water from his ragged woollen clothing and clambering to his feet, when he looked up and that is when Marcus took his head. His anger had been supressed by the cold, detached and professional soldier of such thoughtless prowess within him, and Marcus heard the head of this first victim splash into the river as he swept aside the spear of the next and slew him with a simple thrust to the throat. A wooden spear bounced off his right shoulder plate with a clank, coming from behind him and it zoomed off into the river. Spinning around, Marcus sneered at the Prittan who had launched the weapon at him, and who was now following-up his attack with a reckless charge, his long-sword raised. The barbarian ran onto the tip of Marcus’ gladius as he ducked under the whooshing blade and then thrust upwards firmly, cleaving the man’s heart and killing him instantly. Ripping free his sword, Marcus roared ‘Mars!’ once more and charged the next group of enemy approaching.

Splashed with the bright gore of his outclassed and wide-eyed enemy, this magnificent, screaming denizen cleared this little islet of enemy attackers, slaughtering them all without mercy and with each kill, he roared out the name of his God of war. Once the blood-spattered but still infuriated Centurion had secured the ground and killed all who had dared oppose him, he dived into the river himself and went in implacable search of those auxiliaries who had abandoned him, as he was now in a fine killing mood.

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